Friday, July 29, 2011


Transitions are hard for us.  We are preparing for some emotional transitions ahead of us.  A lot of changes.  I know I need to be better at praying about it.  I was raised to work hard.  So we do it.  We are busy working on physical transition's in Carsen's therapy right now.  Since he is getting heavier, I need to make sure he can get himself in a good position where he can do things on his own, instead of me picking him up.

We had a blast working on his transition from sitting...

to kneeling...

to standing...

Then back to scooting.  He is happiest when he is scooting.  He tolerates standing activites very well.  He likes to be up and about like the rest of us.

Transitions in life are usually never easy.  Carsen has taught me that you can't get from sitting to standing very easily with out trying hard in between.  It is the motivation and drive you have to prepare oneself for the transition.  It is the ambition and faith you have in order to keep going until that transition is complete. 

Then we celebrate!!! 

I am mentally preparing myself for a big transition for Carsen this Fall.  Preschool.  The "chair" has been brought up two times this week.  I asked Carsen's special Ed teacher, "Why is it so hard for me to think about a wheelchair?"  She said, "From the beginning we are used to teaching how to talk and walk. It feels like you are taking his walking ability away from him by using a chair.  Then she said, "We are not taking walking away, we are just going to make things easier on him in between walking."  I think it would be easier to just keep him at home with me!! :)  I would love to but I know he is going to LOVE school and the new friends he will make.  This is where courage is going to have to take place.
My courage sign was given to me when Carsen was very little from a friend of my sister's.  Her friend has a little sister with special needs and thought I needed this sign.  It is posted in our window of the therapy room to remind us how we will make it through some tough days.  It has been such a blessing to have as a positive reminder!

After therapy, we go outside and just enjoy the grass and the weather.  Carsen is so happy outside.  He is busy listening, watching and feeling. 

I have fun outside too!

Carsen is learning how to drive the lawn mower with daddy. 

You should see how Carsen chases after his bouncy ball.  Video will come soon.  It is quite the site!

Carsen gets strapped into his walker and bolts out of the garage and into the grass to see Matt mow.  He is getting better at walking and notice he is using his arms!!!!!!!!  He never used his hands before.  I am very happy about this.

Makes it look so easy! 
We will accomplish our transition and come up with a new transition.  It is a part of life.  We are learning to work hard and enjoy the in between.  I think Carsen is teaching me more to life than I ever thought possible.  Thank goodness for him!


  1. Look at Carsen in his gait trainer! What a huge change from before. Transitions are hard.

    When times were tough for our family, a nurse that we work with told me this, "Write your sorrows in the sand and blessings in the stone." It helps me let grief go.

    You are an amazing mom Kelly! Keep doing what you are doing. You are blessed to have Carsen and he is blessed to have you!

  2. Ok Carsen in his gait trainer.... He looks soooo old and big! I love it! He is such a happy little boy and will make the best of every transition, because that's just who Carsen is! He is changing and learning so much, I can't wait to see how much he likes school and how great it will be for him!
    You also are doing a great job and making sure he is doing everything he can! Your hard work has been paying off, look at him! It's amazing!
    I love the picture of the flower, I would like it blown up for my bathroom. So send it to me! I will even let you sign it like Danter does!

  3. Just when we get life figured out for a second there's always something new that comes up. While I don't understand the unique challenges and transitions you face with Carsen, I understand that transitions aren't easy.

    And you know this - that God's there for us, just like you are there for Carsen, teaching us to sit, kneel, and stand our way through the next big thing. Just more risk taking and letting go......

    I can almost smell those chives in bloom! And I love the second photo of Carsen in the outdoor pictures group. The sky is so pretty and his look is so grown-up.

  4. Oh, Carsen. When did you get so big?

    Go forth and conquer that big world. Your Mama is going to be amazed at what you do!

  5. As you learn from Carsen, we in turn learn from you. Kelly you are a beautiful writer. Thank you so much for sharing your world with us. Way to go Carsen!! You will be cruising the halls at school in no time!! Keep an eye on Belle for me when you are there :)

  6. I love the photos and the feelings of transitions. I think about the "chair" often... if my son will need one eventually. I try really hard not to look to far into the future and enjoy today - but ... when today forces you to finally make the decision - I can see where it would be really tough. He really is an amazing guy.
    Kristen @
