Monday, February 6, 2012

My Inspiration

I was inspired today.  So much, that I feel the need to share it with my readers.

I witnessed true courage.  I have a lot of pictures to prove it but will keep them to your imagination.

There are always wonderful moments of opportunity to witness courage at any marathon or triathlon.

The grueling attempts to swim, then climb on a bike, and finish running at a pace never done before, is beyond hard work.  There are times in life when people give up.  Easily.  But, there are times in life when people don't give up.  They show me Courage.  Strength.  Determination.  Stubbornness.  I am inspired today by that person who showed me just that.  I am reminded about putting life into perspective.  Each and everyday is a challenge, just as a triathlon.  You prepare for it.  You have good days and bad days.  To many average people, those bad days are wished away.  I have learned that those bad days need to be cherished and thought upon.  Learn from it.  Move on.  And you will find a stronger person.  One with more strength than ever before.

While driving the other day, I had the time to listen to the Christian station.  Out of a hour long conversation about raising children and learning to let go, I got this out of it.  "To raise a courageous child, you must first be a courageous parent."  Do you think that leading by example is an important part in raising your children?  Yes.  To raise a child with Courage, be that strong mother or father.  It will get them farther in life that you could ever imagine.

I witnessed courage today.  This courage was shown to me by someone I love very dearly.

My mother.

(I thank my mom for continuing to show me true strength and courage.  I had the perfect example growing up and ofter wonder where I get my determination from.  That is a gift from her.  From her choices, her actions and her amazing ability to keep going.  Thank you mom for the best gift! I love you!)


  1. What a lovely and inspiring post! Your mom is amazing. You all are so lucky to have her.

  2. Well said! She amazed me yesterday are much better at putting it into words!
    You show Carsen TRUE courage each and every day! it is unreal!

  3. A beautiful tribute to your mom! You have a great legacy from her and a great legacy to pass onto Carsen.

  4. Your mom really is amazing Kelly!
