Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Proud Mama moment

I am more than a proud mom, but also a proud wife.  Waterama has a magic mile and Carsen's cousin Kyler was going to run it with his dad, and we wanted to include Carsen.  Matt decided to push Carsen and Jace in the stroller.  As you can tell, Carsen loved going fast, seeing all the people and I think he knew he was racing...at the edge of his seat...

I was watching with Matt's cousin Carrie and I heard her say, "I am gonna cry."  I looked at the finish line and Matt had taken Carsen out of the stoller to let him finish on his own.  We both cried.  And the crowd cheered him on...

Way to go buddy!

Carsen ended up winning 1st place in the 5 and under age group, his medal is coming in the mail and I can't wait to give it to him!  Even though he didn't actually run the 8:00 mile, he still finished and worked his butt off to get across that finish line.  And Matt, he gets a smile on his face to know he has included his son in something we both enjoy, racing.  He said,  "I got to the finish line and decided, this isn't about me anymore."  This has not been an easy road for Matt as he is good at everything he does.  He is brilliant, athletic, funny, determined and the hardest worker I know.  When life threw him for a loop, he had to learn to accept, trust and saddle up for the new adventure.  I am so proud of him.  I am so proud of Carsen.  I am so proud of Jace for sucking away on the little nuk and being a good little brother!


  1. Way to go Carsen! He definitely has hard work and determination in his genes! So happy for all of you! And yes once again, you made my eyes water!!

  2. So cute!!! Way to go CARSEN!!! Awesome! Can't wait to see that medal around his neck! :)

  3. I am crying too. Carsen you have the best Daddy that God could have given you!

  4. That is so special & amazing! Way to go to your three boys. :-) I wish I would have made it home for the Waterama races this year. You captured the moments beautifully in pictures.

  5. I really like the photo of the boys in the stroller and Matt running and both his feet are off the ground.

    And how touching is this! I love everything you wrote about your husband. I love how you guys include Carsen in your favorite activities.

    And Jace sucking away on his little Nuk! I can just picture it. So, so cute.

  6. Awwwww.....oh my gosh......amazing love, amazing determination...just amazing!!
    I love you all!
