Friday, November 11, 2011


I am surrounded by a lot of teacher's lately.  As a nurse we educate our patient's about their health concerns, diagnosis, and plan for their treatment.  It is rewarding.  Although, it probably isn't one of my favorite aspects of being a nurse.  That is why I am glad there are so many amazing teachers.  With any career, there are those who are lazy, crabby, or unhappy.  But, the ones that I notice are those that put in that extra effort, just because they care.  Since my sister has had her little guy, I have paid more attention to her career.  I am so exhaused after I get off the phone with her.  There are no complaints on her end, just explanations of her day.  I even feel nauseated at times thinking about how early she gets up and how late she gets to bed.  We are talking about a lady who really requires 11 hours of sleep and is not getting near that.  Like most mom's, we do whatever it takes to provide and spend that extra time at home with our kids. 

This past week Katie taught her Kindergarten class a very valuable lesson: treating kids with special needs the way they would want to be treated.  She explained Carsen's life and how hard he works to do simple tasks.  They were full of questions and ideas of how to help him.  The next day we visited the class room so that they could see Carsen in his walker.  It was so special to see the kids faces when they saw Carsen.  They were not scared or intimidated.  They were happy, hopeful and full of love! 

 Carsen enjoyed playing with the kids!  He blended in just perfectly!
 The kids were so thoughtful and drew pictures for Carsen.  One the the drawings I am holding has a picture of Carsen walking in his red detailed!  Such smart kids!
 My heart melted when I was able to meet this special guy!
 Carsen's favorite part....leaving the school!  Because he gets to run!!
 Finally he gets to meet an amazing mom who has four beautiful children.  It was fun to meet someone who loves to read my blog and keep up on what Carsen is doing!  So, glad she got to meet him in person!

I feel so blessed that life is easier for children with special needs than it was when I was growing up.  It makes my job as a caregiver much easier!  Thank goodness for those teachers, mothers, friends or family that educate on what life is like for a child with special needs and how important it is to be kind and to include them in every aspect of our life!

Thank You Katie for teaching your kids what life is like for so many kids and parents.  It is a valuable lesson that not everyone can teach.  Those kids adore you and respect your lessons.  Thank you for being an advocate for us and so many children around you!!  Love you lots!


  1. This was the best day!!!
    Carsen has taught me more than words can explain and he has changed my life forever!
    Carsen's picture stays hanging in the front of my class reminding my students the important things in life and a reminder of the fact that we all just want to be loved! Carsen has motivated them to accept others as they are, be kind to others in need, and to be thankful for all you have in life...and of course to LOVE others.
    Carsen is LOVE! I am such a blessed aunt, teacher, and mom!

  2. Cute! How fun going to Katie's school! I love how old he looks next to all of them in his walker! Love this post!

  3. How cute is Carsen with all those "big" kids!?! How fun for you, Katie and him! And what a great way to teach the incredible value of every person God has made to all those precious kids.
