Friday, September 21, 2012


Carsen had his bad week last week.  Guess what that means...we get a super happy, extra goofy, giggly little boy this week.  With my last week to have just one little boy to hold, I am soaking up all the attention he is loving.  I pick him up from school and he is super excited.  He plays at home and wants me to come play with him.  I sing to him and he beams with excitement.  I push him in the swing and he deep belly laughs.  My mom started singing, "If your happy and you know it, clap your hands!"  Carsen has caught on that he needs to clap.  And claps twice, just as he should.  It is so fun to see him learn something new and show it.  I am working on getting a video on because it is darling!!

Here are a few smiles on our way to and from school.

We like these happy days!


  1. I just was thinking of you wondering how your last week as mommy to 1 was going. I remember the excitement but also knowing life will never be the same when that new little one gets there and soaking up all that you can and giving all your attention to Carsen. Hope things go well for you next week and we will be anxiously waiting the news of his arrival!

  2. Oh the happy Carsen is the BEST! I love these pictures!!

  3. Oh Carsen looks so happy! I love his hair... especially in the last photo. You are an amazing mom to Carsen and you will be an amazing mom to your new little one too.

  4. Great hair Carsen!

    I also love his teeth in these photos! So cute!
