Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Carsen's "RUNNER"

I remember that day like yesterday.  That day had finally come.  Our 6th grade one mile run for phy-ed!  I was so oddly excited!  You see, I have looked up to my Dad, FOREVER.  Since he loved the sport, (yes, running is a sport) of course, I was going to thrive off running.  It was only natural for me to live for that race day.   Mom was there to video tape my run and cheer me on.  All I cared about was what my Dad would say or think during that gruesome one mile run.  Now, this is where Carsen comes into play, finally!  Carsen was about 12 months old, undiagnosed, with a desperate mother.  I was willing to do anything to find answers for my little buddy.  All of a sudden, there was a commercial on T.V. that had the most adorable boy I will never forget.  His name was Noah and he had Cerebral Palsy.  Watch this 30 second video...

He calls his walker his "runner"!  I just heard that Noah is walking without his "runner"! Amazing huh?  Well, he has been my inspiration for Carsen.  I always questioned, "Will Carsen ever walk? Will he ever talk?, Will he ever say mama or dada?  Will he be able to communicate his needs to me?" In the past year it was very important for me to include Carsen in as many therapy sessions possible.  I felt like every long drive to Alexandria would be worth it.  This month I found out how worth our efforts have been.  My driving him to therapy was nothing compared to how hard he has worked to achieve these goals.  Two weeks ago, I was waving to Carsen in the mirror like we do as we pass by.  He LOVES to watch himself in the mirror.  I was tired from a long shift, did the usual wave and said, "hi Carsen".  The most angelic, sweet little voice drew out his first word "hiiiiiiiiii"  and then he repeated it two more times.  Words can't describle how emotional I was at that point! We screamed for Matt to come and listen but of course he was done.  Since that day, we have heard him say it two more times.  Do you realize how amazing it was to hear the voice of my child who has never spoken to me?  This means I CAN and WILL teach him to talk.  Then, he preceded to amaze me by using sign language to show me that he wanted "more"!  Carsen's special Ed teacher (not to mention the best teacher EVER), his OT and Speech therapist have worked many hours into teaching him to sign for "more" and it was finally accomplished and purposeful!  Okay, it gets better!  Carsen has been sitting really well by himself for a while now, but has learned to spin around in circles while playing.  Just this week he started to scoot himself forward on his butt.  Again, what a joy to watch!  I know I am bragging...but it is a good brag.  Better yet, I am not done! We ordered a gait trainer (basically a fancy walker) for Carsen to start learning how to walk.  He is not only walking by himself in it, he is walking up to a 1/2 mile.  This is where the running comes into play! :)  He has learned if he starts to walk really fast, then he can start to run a few steps, then glides with his legs up and takes a ride.  My little guy is running!!!  When I had Carsen my dad would mention how Carsen's legs would "run a 4 minute mile"!  Always a little bummed by that statement knowing that dream was probably not going to happen.  I guess we had to change our dreams a bit!  I never pictured a walker in our dreams.  I am so proud of Carsen in his "runner".  If you ever take a drive out by our house, you will see Carsen doing his daily walk.  He even inspires men driving by in cement trucks.  The smile on the faces of those men when they see him working so hard makes me so proud to show him off.  Well, see for yourself!!  He looks a little like this... (watch video below)

Carsen in his red "runner," sporting his camo braces! :)

Carsen showing off his moves...guess I couldn't get the video flipped, ENJOY!

What do you suppose he will be showing us next week? 
I guess time will tell!  I have already been blessed a million times!


  1. You didn't tell me that he said "hi" and that he signed!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Does Amanda know?!?!??! Or are you saving all the really good information for the blog now? ;) Yay, yay, yay!

  2. You are such a good mom and all of your (and his) hard work is paying off! He has accomplished so much in the last few months. I am so proud of you both!

  3. hey amanda and cassie!
    after all of my complaining and worries you both got me still read my blog and encourage us! thanks for being such good friends!
    as evan would say (your the best...or your the bomb) LOL!!

  4. Go Carsen! What an amazing little man you have there Kelly. He is going to accomplish so much!

  5. Great Job Carsen!! I'm so proud of your accomlishments :)

  6. Great Job Carsen and Kelly!! I am so excited for you three!!!
