Thursday, September 29, 2011

We have made it!

As I sit here and sip my herbalife Chocolate Cafe Latte, I ponder on my past couple of weeks.  I was so consumed with life that I can't even think straight.  Driving home to find the cartridge from the bank sitting on my lap is not the thing to bring home.  Cop lights pulling me to the edge of the road, for going way too fast, after coming home from a night shift, is not the kind of thing I want to admit to my husband.  I told the nice police man, "I am sorry, I just wasn't paying attention."  I wonder if he knows the thoughts that go through a mother's brain while she is inbetween work and home life.  I know a lot of husbands have a difficult time reading our minds, let alone a cop that is protecting our town.  Anyway, thankfully I work a lot of night shifts in the ER with him, he let me off with a warning and a disappointed look on his face.  This morning I made it through the bank without bringing anything home with me, other than a deposit slip.  I made it in my garage this morning while setting my cruise to 55 mph because I refuse to dissappoint another nice police officer.  My mind is clear this morning.  Only filled with happy thoughts of my son in pre-school with no crying.  I mentioned that I felt God has left us.  I now realize that he wasn't gone for even a split second.  For one, I wasn't listening hard enough.  For two, I look back and see that he has been right along side Carsen in his gait trainer the whole time.  Placed in front of us is an amazing para-educator for Carsen.  One who is patient, gentle and loving, with a beautiful smile.  Carsen gives her the biggest smile when he approches her, then gives me a bigger smile that says, "I am okay mom, I like her."  His smile comforts my soul.  I walk away from his classroom with a peaceful smile and turn around a few times just to watch what he is doing.  He loves school.  Did I just say that?  My son, with special needs, loves school!  It feels so good to say that.  Another gift placed before us is his daycare.  I could go on and on about all the hard work his daycare provider has put into Carsen and his special set ups.  I am amazed at how the past week has gone for us.  I feel so blessed.  Even better, I am at peace.  My little boy his happy and exactly where he needs to be. 

These past few transitions have definately been our hardest yet.  I really didn't ever think things would get better.  But, they have.  I feel like we were climbing up a mountain with no top in sight.  Today, I feel like we made it to the top.  It is just more beautiful than I expected.


  1. How do you do it every time? How do you always make me cry when I read your posts? You are a beautiful, talented writer - to say nothing of the amazing mother you are to Carsen.

    I completely understand about the insanity of our minds. Overdrive is the only word to describe it sometimes.

    Peace. Peace. Peace to you - and continued joy and blessings!!

  2. I knew you could do it! You do every time!
    I wish I could be Carsen's teacher....they are SO LUCKY!!
    Yes, every post I cry...I already know what is going on but you word it so beautifully! You just always make it look so easy when I know it is the exact opposite. I am so proud of how positive you are because you dont have to be like that! You amaze me!

  3. You are such a strong, wonderful person. You make things look so easy. So happy school is going well!

  4. Sometimes the biggest mountain that is the hardest to climb seems to be the most rewarding. You're a good mom, Kelly and you have God on your side.

  5. I missed this post completely until now. So happy you got to the top of this mountain, and so happy you can look back and see that God was there all along. Also happy you got off with a warning. ; ) And happy for Carsen and thrilled for you that pre-school is going so well. What a blessing! Enjoy this break from mountain climbing! You deserve it!
