Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Our day

My pregnancy brain does not help me out.  I scheduled my last thirty one party at the same time Carsen had his first preschool concert.  I only cried a few times knowing I was going to miss out.  I snapped some pictures of him as he was heading out the door...

His class sang 5 little monkeys and some Hello song.  Matt was such a great dad for taking him.  I really struggled with the fact that Carsen wasn't going to know what to do like the rest of his friends.   But I am so proud of him for being such a good boy in front of a packed auditorium. 

He also got his first May day basket from Kye and Abram!! 

Today was the perfect day!! I got my buddy back!  We skipped out of daycare and spent every second together!  It started out with a morning nap.  And ended with an evening snuggle.

Carsen's favorite thing to do is go on his trike.

I am thankful for his hand strength and ability to hold on.  He loves to move his pointers up and down and does it all throughout his ride.

His shoes are attached to the pedals so that all we have to do is velcro his feet in and his legs move around in a bunch of tiny circles.  He looks like he is biking himself and his legs get the workout!

Saige is becoming his best friend.  I am still struggling with our relationship.

My big boy!


We got in a good session at therapy.  We worked on getting out of a chair to standing.  Sharon his PT was very impressed with his strength!  That makes my day!

Our next stop...Noonan Park to feed the ducks.  Cousin Cohen was on his way to meet us and Carsen couldn't be happier to see Auntie Alissa. 

This pic just brings me big smiles. 

And Cohen just kept running and running...

and running...(glad uncle mark was there to help Carsen catch up)

Cohen would stop at the water and was so curious as to what would happen if he got in...

oops...he found out...and he was a smelly mess!

Face forward in the duck pond makes for a silly face and a good laugh. 

Caught a quick one of them looking for the airplane.  It is so much fun to watch Cohen grow up.  I am reminded of my childhood because he is so much like his daddy.

We finished our evening with another trike ride and our evening snuggle.  What a perfect day!  


  1. This post made me cry! 1st, because I feel so bad that you had to miss Carsen's concert (you will have many more) 2nd, the picture of Cohen and Carsen standing together almost killed me! It is soooo adorable! I can't wait for this summer, the boys need to spend lots of time together, I think Cohen wants Carsen's gait trainer!!! Thanks for meeting us, I wish it could have been longer! Next time :)

  2. PS Cohen took a bath and had to be scrubbed. The stuff was slimy and greased on his body!

    So proud of Carsen going to his first concert. I know every one's hearts changed a bit that night!
    AND Cohen.....soooooo funny!!!!!!! I wish I was there! He really doesn't stop running! Glad we have a trackster on our hands!

  4. I love the picture of Carsen's and Cohen's backsides!! That is so sweet.

  5. That picture of Carsen and Cohen is priceless!! And, I have to say, I have the same "relationship" with our dog............sigh.

  6. First off, ugh! Cohen fell into that gross water at Noonan's?!?!?! Boys, boys, boys!

    I bet Carsen was adorable in his first concert!

    I love the picture of Carsen's index fingers while he's on his trike!
