Monday, November 22, 2010

Christmas Wish list!

It has been a while!  Finally nice to get a chance to sit down, watch the snowflakes fall, and listen to little Carsen scooting around with numerous toys. 

Life is always busy isn't it?  I feel like lately I can hardly keep up.  The stresses of multiple family gatherings are even stressing me out!  Both of our families mean the world to me but lately I have had to choose to put some things on hold for a bit.  I am learning to put Carsen first.  Well, I guess I have already learned that since the day he was born.  I am talking about making Carsen my main priority here.  Not just a priority, but my constant priority!  The first thought that enters my brain when I get up in the morning is "who wrote on their blog?" "what should I bake today?" "What gifts should I buy for all my adorable nephews and niece?"  He needs to be my constant priority this holiday season!!

Lately, I am getting distracted by multiple things around me that seem more fun than therapy at home.  With all these distractions I have come up with a plan.  This is like my 10,000th plan in the last 3 years.  I constantly change to keep things fun and simple.  We have been enjoying going to the RFC to bring Carsen in his gait trainer.  He runs around that gym like a little toddler boy.  The only thing difference is that he needs his trainer to hold him up.

With all new things, new stresses appear. 

We are getting more stares and more pitiful smiles.  We can handle that, we really can.  But, it breaks my heart to see people pity us. 

Matt asked me what I wanted for Christmas this year.  I told him, "I want to see Carsen walk."  That was a stupid answer...ha ha I know!  But, that is what I really, really want.  A good friend posted on her blog something that meant so much to me.  Speaking about her son who also has low muscle tone, she said  "Please think of little Abram and his journey to reach four years; if unkind thoughts drift into your head or out your lips about someone who is different.  Then, say a quick prayer for them, because they need all of the help that they can get."

She didn't just request a prayer, she stated a "quick prayer." 

My Christmas list changed.  All I want for Christmas is a "quick prayer" every chance we are seen with Carsen, followed by a smile.  We are happy to see him walk in his gait trainer.  We are proud parents. 

So, even if I can't get what I really want for Christmas, please keep us in your prayers this holiday season.  We have a few extra priorities this winter and need every ounce of energy to give my ALL to Carsen!

Enjoying our morning "workout"


  1. Love the diaper pic of Carsen! So cute! We can all make your Christmas wish come true. I already pray for you guys everyday. You are an amazing mom!

  2. It's our priviledge to pray for you guys! And it's our priviledge to know little Carsen and Abram, too. A good post and good reminder....praying that we'll all learn see to others with Jesus' eyes.

    And you're so right about priorities....

  3. You are amazing!! Keep praying for you Christmas wish
