Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Paint away!

Carsen has the most amazing play room.  When we built our house, I never dreamt that the bonus room would be used so much.  The only problem, how am I suppose to organize and decorate a room this size? 

Our bonus room serves many purposes.  We have our weekly therapy, daily play times, play dates with friends, and evening family time there.  I am so thankful for this amazing room, but it was time for a little bit of art.   Carsen painted the most adorable canvas paintings.  I just let him have at it! 

Before and clean!

 Checking out the colors...

 Very messy, he giggled the whole time.
 Carsen's final project...beautiful!

These will eventually hang on the wall...yes, that makes them more permanent.  But, I absolutely love having art in the house that Carsen had a blast with.  I get the biggest smile when I look at the tiny hand and foot prints in his beautiful paintings!  This was a project for Carsen, but turned out to give me happiness and smiles everytime we use our room.  It is nice to finally have some color!  :)


  1. I know I already oohed and awed over these when you showed us, but I have to say again that I love these paintings! You could make more for Christmas presents!

  2. These are awesome! He can paint me a picture any day!

  3. These are amazing (I know that I already told you that!) I showed Aaron your blog and he said, "She is a super mom...she should get the mom of the year award."

  4. The paintings are amazing, Kelly! Truly beautiful! I'm really impressed with the final product, but maybe even more with the process. It's wonderful that you were willing to deal with the mess and let Carsen explore and enjoy himself so freely. Great job, both of you!

  5. The pictures are so cute and precious! Keep them forever because you will always remember that time in your lives!
