Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Christmas play-date

We had a fun play date this house is furious with me!!!!  And, I don't care!
Sprinkles, sand, screams, timeouts...5 boys...1 adorable girl = priceless moments!
Visiting with friends, listening to friends discipline kids, watching friends learn to use their cameras, lots of laughts, spending time with our kids...couldn't have asked for a better day off!

This quiet time lasted for about 15 mins...I was impressed!

Who needs to save any cookies?  They are better freshly frosted and sprinkled!

Busy at work...

Playin some pool...

My floor :)

Blonde sweetheart!

Glad I had other girls to decorate...

The crazy bunch!

Was this in between a scream or a smile?

I know this is kind of gross, but I had no idea my granite would reflect so well!

My favorite picture...little hands eating sprinkles!


  1. Very good photos, the light in your house is amazing. It was a lot of fun!

  2. I agree with Amanda - the light in your house is perfect - perfect enough to turn off that flash! And I love the one of Jack eating the cookie - very cute. Pretty shots of the cookies as well. Fun day....thanks for all your work making the cookies and cleaning up after us!
