Friday, December 24, 2010


I am inspired in SO many ways this holiday season.

My son inspired me more than anyone, of course.

The JOY he expresses when he gets hugs from the family that adores him.  Can joy be taught? Or is it a quality that is present since his first breath?

The LOVE he shows his new baby cousin.  He gives kisses!  Witnessing this brings tears to my eyes that no one notices.  Do you realize how much it means to me that my son can now show LOVE?

The PEACE he has when he is held my his grandparents.

The HOPE I feel when I watch him learn to feed himself Christmas bread.

I am Inspired...

I am Motivated...

I am Blessed...

My heart has been touched this holiday season!


  1. Oh my gosh he looks like Matt in that picture! I am so happy for you. Think about where Carsen was last year at this time and how far he has come! It is awesome! Carsen touches everyone's hearts:)

  2. Carsen is inspiring... what a great way to describe him! His gentle heart and that 1000 watt smile are so heartwarming.

    It's been great to see all 3 of you more this winter, even if it's just for a minute or two at church:).

  3. Kelly - YOU are inspiring! Whenever I read your blog, I am reminded to take joy in the little things. Thank you :)

  4. Carson looks so good!!! It is inspiring!!! Had to laugh at the Saturday morning fartleks :) Oh the good ole days and the morning runs...Thankful for dads that push us to be better :)
