Friday, March 4, 2011

Diary Post # 2

Aww...days off.  There is nothing really like them.  You know those days off that you don't even care if you do anything productive.  Yes, one of those days!  That is the kind of day we had!  Only, I actually did shower, put my make up on, a few loads of laundry and some therapy time with Carsen.  I didn't feel pressured to get anything done.  I wish i felt like that more often. 

Working part-time has been one of the best decisions I have ever made.  I don't know how those mom's that work full time do it.  How do you get those loads of laundry done?  Healthy supper's? Workout's? Appt's made?  I always say my time off life, is going to work.  I am able to shut out my life, my stressors, my worries and just enjoy taking care of people that need some TLC.

This has been a rough week for Carsen.  (As you can tell by his last post)  He was not digging daycare much either.  Now, that his daddy is gone for 4 days, he is stuck with boring mom.  I am trying to play fun, goofy dad.  I am getting more giggles than usual, so I must not try hard enough!

Today, I put Carsen in his new birthday gift!  He had worked hard on standing and using those skinny little arms to hold him up.  So, I gave him a break.

I threw a little ELMO on...and he was off in la la land...

He wouldn't even crack a smile...Just studying the movie.

For those of you that don't get to see Carsen tired very often, he sucks his two middle fingers on his right hand and covers his fingers up with his left hand.  He started to cover them up when he was really little so that we wouldn't pull his fingers out of his mouth.

Playing with his lip...

Maybe a little bit of a smirk???

Uh oh! I am busted!

Our new favorite exercise!  Put him in a corner and have him stand.  It is so cute to see him so tall.  He doesn't fall over this way and is more confident with standing.  Why didn't we think of this before?  He loves it!  And I enjoy doing something new!

Playing Peek-a-boo! (The black on his nose is still from his cow balloons!)

The beautiful flowers Matt had sitting on the counter when I got home yesterday.  Just because.
They smell amazing and Carsen thinks they are pretty cool too!

I am excited to see what tomorrow brings!


  1. Look at that little guy standing! He continues to amaze me. I too feel very blessed working part-time. How could we manage our little guys working full-time?

    Love the photos of Carsen, especially the natural lighting. Your house has a ton of natural light...I am so jealous. Great job momma!

  2. How cool to see Carsen standing! So brilliant to prop him into a corner like that! What a cutie.

  3. How cute is Carsen standing!?!?! And what a great idea to have him stand in a corner! Glad you had a great day off! I think you deserved it after what I'm sensing was not the greatest week.

  4. Loved seeing little Carsen standing...what a blessing. Love your flowers, too. Remember to cherish every moment with your husband. That's so important!
