Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Carsen's "Sorry" Letter

dear bridget, mary, sharon, kristin, sonia, all other therapist's and all shoppers at the hallmark store,

i am so sorry for being so crabby today.  my mommy is so annoyed with me today that she is sitting at the computer eating left over frosting from my birthday party.  i think she gets frusterated when she drives 2 hours for therapy and then i cry the whole time.  i really love you all and think you are the best, but i was just trying to tell you that i wanted to play at home.  as soon as i got home, i had so much fun playing with my cow balloons and giggling at mommy while she took pictures of me on the floor.  sometimes, she has no idea what i need, so she just plays with me and everything is all better.  just so you all know, i am not sick, tired, hungry or mad...i just wanted to get your attention today.  i love you all so much!

this is how happy i was when i got home today...


(He is a stinker, love him to pieces but I don't think that many fits in a day are necessary :)


  1. Oh, he is so cute and so obviously sweet! It has to be hard being so young and having days where you just don't want to do what everyone else wants you to do! I love that you had "him" add how he wasn't sick, tired, hungry, or angry - sometimes when we are not any of those things, we still have tough days. I don't see why that wouldn't be true for little ones, too. I'm glad you got in on some smiles that day, anyway :) And I'm glad I'm not the only one who may sometimes be pushed the the point of eating leftover frosting from birthdays....

  2. Kelly - you crack me up!!!! I am sitting at my desk laughing hysterically at your... I mean Carsen's... post. And don't worry about the leftover frosting. I have a tub of leftover frosting in my fridge that I munch on every night! :) Yum!!!!! I hope you and Carsen enjoyed more smiles this afternoon. No worries about this morning. We love that little guy - even on his "off" days!!!

    Kristin :)

  3. Oh Kelly (or Carsen) I feel your frusteration! I am glad that you posted Carsen's letter because years down the road you can show him what a stinker he was:) Glad to see that Abram is not the only home-body. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Kelly, no need to worry. Carson is allowed to have "bad hair days" just like all of us. He's still fun to work with, have a nice week.
    Sonia (I loved the pictures)

  5. Oh Carsen-I would scream if I were you too. ( I know mommy and your fun teachers are only trying to help.) Sometimes things are just too hard for you...especially when you can't voice your own needs. It breaks my heart! I am glad you got to go home and play with your fun cow balloons! I love watching you on Skype as you are such a happy boy when you are at home in your comfort zone! You are my hero! I love you so much!

  6. Sweet Carsen, your Mommy works so very hard to give you every good opportunity. It's okay if you want to stay home and play sometimes, and it's okay to communicate your feelings in the only ways you can. It's also totally understandable if your Mommy plops herself down with some frosting, completely exhausted and frustrated. Believe me, she's not the only one.

  7. Oh man! I missed my little buddy AGAIN!!!! Come on, Kelly! I would let Carsen be crabby at ME if he wanted to :) Stop ignoring me :)

  8. Kelly- Thanks for letting Carsen post this. It is such a great reminder for all of us on the "other" side of things that sometimes there isn't anything "wrong," everyone is allowed to be crabby. I am glad that Carsen went home and was happy for you though!

  9. I love this post....really. It's so inspiring to me that you can step out of the box for a moment to think about what Carsen is thinking and feeling. And I think you nailed it on the head. My favorite line is "sometimes, she has no idea what i need, so she just plays with me and everything is all better." I need to remember this for myself and my kids. Really, Kelly, I love this one....such a great reminder for all of us. You are a great mom (and a great frosting maker!)
