Tuesday, April 5, 2011

1000 yards and counting

Today was an exciting day!  Carsen was able to use the lite gait again at therapy!  I can not tell you how cute it is to watch him walk without our help or the help of his gait trainer.  Those long skinny legs just made me giddy.  I am sure I look like a crack mom when I watch him walk.  His PT Sharon put the TV in front of him and played an old sesame street tape so he could be distracted.  It sure helped because he walked 1000 yards in 15 mins!  That is equivalent to one 1/2 mile!  His classmates-to-be better start training because he is gonna rock that one mile run in phy ed someday!

Also, a bittersweet day because we traded in the camo braces for his new blue braces that include boy stuff like helicopters and trucks.  I am a little sad to see the old ones go.  They have put us through hours of four point, standing and walking.  Carsen's legs sure have grown and his new AFO's sure fit good!

Our early morning therapy session was a success!  Coffee time with grandma (and my best friend) at Caribou.  (Have you tried to new coconut macadamian mocha?? To die for!)  After some Cohen kisses and hugs for me, (just love this kid and I am not sure it is mutual yet, but we are working on it) we ended our afternoon with a much needed 2 hour nap.  Dreaded day gone good!  Just for your info, I was dreaming Carsen, my mom, my sister and I were taken hostage in a taxi and I tried to save the day because the two men that took us only spoke spanish.  In my dream I was speaking spanish and translating everything.  Can you imagine how fatigued my brain was after that exhausting dream!  I think that pretty much sums up how exhausted I have been lately.  (I am sure most of you that read this will think I am off my rocker!)

Matt and I are handing over Carsen to "the Grandma's" for the next 5 days and celebrating our 5 year anniversary in Colorado.  I am looking forward to 5 kid free days and spending time with my other best friend.

Also, how could I forget!  I Introduce to you my new blog! It is a blog for me!  A blog to document fun stuff, my feelings, my family and friends, food, funny stuff, etc etc etc.  Check it out!! 


  1. Love the new Braces! So cute! Go Carsen!

  2. What a wonderful blog and a great way to share your son's journey. I espeically like your "about" page and how you know that leaning on your family, friends, and Jesus as Carsen grows is a great blessing in and of itself.

    I'll definitely keep following along here and on your new blog. :-)

    Happy Anniversary as well!

  3. Have fun on your trip Kelly and try to relax. You deserve some 'me' time :)

  4. Love your new blog! Have fun in Colorado celebrating your anniversary.

    I love Carsen's new AFO's. I know that it is sad but also exciting. Thank you for sharing!

  5. I love his new little AFO's. It is fun to see technology change from plain white to fun kid friendly colors!!! Happy 5 years :) Enjoy Colorado!

  6. Very adorable new AFOs!

    And how do you get so much into one day?!?!!? I never cease to be amazed!
