Monday, April 18, 2011

Family Time!

 This past week was so special! Uncle Ryan came to visit from California! 

In the past 5 months he has gained two new adorable nephews! We decided it was a celebration.  My other brother Mark and his beautiful wife Alissa, had us over for an amazing grilled dinner!  I didn't even get a picture of the food or the gorgeous lemon water!  The three mommies were too busy calming Carsen and enjoying holding Cohen and Ethan.   

We really didn't have to pose for this.  We found out what it is like without an extra hand.  Notice Uncle Ryan on the couch lending a hand, LOL! I wish I had a picture of his face.  I know he is wondering what happend to all his sisters!! 

Desperate Mommies to get a good pic of all 3 together!

Don't you just want to squeeze them?  I just love having little babies around!!
Ethan is 1 month old and Cohen is 5 months!!

Lussenden grandboys!  Cohen cracks me up! Ethan was so wide awake!

Aww, LOVE!

Uncle Ryan was up for a nap with Carsen!

We love when Ryan comes home to visit! What a blessing to have such a wonderful family!


  1. From now on I am bringing my famous Lemon Water to Lussenden Family functions.... Who knew it would be such a hit? Love all the photos! So fun having you all over! Let's do it again soon!

  2. Again, I love all of the photos! The grandkids/cousins are all getting so big. And it looks like Ryan was really helpful:)

  3. What ADORABLE little boys! How special that they have each other....and such pretty mommies! Love the photo of all three of you bouncing babies...none of which appear to be your own babies! So precious! What a blessing! And Ryan and Carsen napping....too cute!
