Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Christmas came early

I am trying to be on the ball this year with Christmas. 
I think this is the last year I get Carsen gifts early. 
He has already played with 2 of them this evening!  Including his Thomas the train. 
Daddy had just as much fun, if not more.  :)


  1. HAHAHAHA! This is SOOOOOOOOO cute! I was smiling the whole time! and my butt was hurting watching him scoot so much! He has turned into a speedy little guy!

  2. He looks like he is having SOOO much fun! And he is so much fun to play with, I love your blog!

  3. He is sooooo sooooo soooo cute!!! I too was smiling the whole time! He is like a little monkey....he matches his PJ's. :) (yes, you can tell matt is having a blast too!ha!)

  4. Wow that looks like fun! He's so strong and fast! Can't wait to see him over the holidays!!

    Uncle Ryan

  5. I could watch that little cutie pie play all day!
