Wednesday, October 6, 2010


When I was pregnant with Carsen, I thought I was going to be "the bomb" as a Mom! 

Ha Ha!

I was having a conversation with our charge nurse.  I told her how OCD I was about my house.  I couldn't stand that Matt would throw his clothes in the laundry basket and have the legs of his pants still hanging outside.  Yes, she giggled and said "well, that will change when you have a baby." 

I really thought she was stupid for telling me that.  How can a baby change that about me?  I guess I was totally, totally, totally CLUELESS!!!!!!  Someone above had a bigger plan for me than just becoming a mom.  Little did I know, I would be learning a whole new language.

I have learned an unexplainable amount of information in the last few years.  One thing in particular I have been attempting to learn from Carsen is the ability to enjoy the simple things in life. 

SIMPLE...that word just calms my soul!

This chaotic, fast-paced world we live in has taught mothers to multi-task more things our brains were ever meant to multi-task.  (Does that make sense?) So, my new mission as a mom is to sit back and watch.    Enjoy my little boy for who he is and what he has become. 

The past few weeks Carsen has enjoyed exploring.  These are some things he has found.

Fall leaves. 
Aww, the smell, the sound, the warmth and ohhhh that noise.
It has captured Carsen's attention for a very long time.

(The sit and reach will be no problem for him)

What is it about cords that kids love.  Here is Carsen scooting to get the cord of our blinds. (I realize my house is not "baby proofed.") 

I watched Carsen play with these cords for at least 30 mins.  The joy on his face to catch that swinging cord, back and forth.  The hundreds of dollars worth of toys sitting throughout every area of the house for him to play with, left untouched.  Then I realize how blessed he is to be able to use those little tiny hands to grab, push and play with the delicate little strings. 

I ponder on what thought's run through his mind.

How simple life is for him.   I sigh, smile and we move onto other things.

*Thank you God for this amazing little boy I have, for he has taught me to appreciate the simple joys!*


  1. Kelly, my little C watched the video and laughed and laughed and said, "HI!!! Hi! Hiiiiiii!!!" What you wrote here is SO TRUE. My boys have that expensive playset, but what do they play with? Rocks, sticks, trees, dirt, water and mud. Children have so very much to teach us, if we can only slow down enough to listen.

  2. He is SO amazing! I am so excited everytime I see him. He has learned so much in the past few months. You both are amazing!!!

  3. Multi-tasking more than our brains can handle!!! I hear ya! Every blog I read teaches me something new, and this post is a reminder to just take a breath and enjoy the "little" things (that really are the big things when we have a correct perspective.) The video of Carsen is so sweet - I could watch him do that for half and hour, too! And I love the 3rd photo in the leaf sequence.

  4. He is so cute and getting to be such a big boy!! The only thing missing in the video, is a cat playing with the string of the blinds with him! ;) I have one you can borrow, She keeps us up at night if we don't hide the strings!! I LOVE the sit and reach photo!

  5. I just LOVE reading your blog - you are an AMAZING mom. Don't you forget it!!!

  6. Kelly, you and sweet Carsen are such an inspiration. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your amazing journey!

  7. It is so nice to be able to become aware of the simple things in life! I'll never forget the 4 years I spent working at the daycare on Bethel's campus. It didn't matter if I had a massive biology test that day or a 15 page paper to finish, those kids were the perfect distraction and showed me the beauty of the world around me. The fallings leaves, the snowflakes, pointing at airplanes, finding a "fuzzy" on the floor, ANYTHING! Their smiles and laughs made me forget all about school, which made working at the Child Development Center the most meaningful experience for me at Bethel. What a blessing! What a great reminder to all of us! God put so much beauty into this world, lets enjoy it!

  8. Kelly - what a wonderful post! We miss so much in our whirlwind lives these days; isn't it lovely to "be still" with our little ones and see what they have to teach us about God's Creation?! What a wonderful reminder. Thanks! Oh, and I thought I was doing well with flexibility today....until I saw that adorable picture of Carsen. :)
