Saturday, January 1, 2011

Stash of clutter

I get a kick out of life. 

Sometimes, I am content, I pull out my camera, and snap some shots of my life.

This totally white winter and blizzard of a day have left me bored with my house and everything in it.

I stand in my kitchen wondering what to take a picture of.  This is what made my mind spin for a few minutes.

I always have a small stash of clutter on one of my counter stools.  I can't stand anything but my soap and candle on my counter.  So, it all sits on my stool until I have found a place for it.

I ponder on this picture I took.  This pictures makes me realize the most important things I have laid out during this week.

Carsen's camo AFO's...I couldn't live without them.  Well, Carsen wouldn't be able to make perfect steps without them.  They are so cute and so important in our daily routine.

Carsen's puma shoes...I love these shoes.  If he has to wear braces...he is going to get cool shoes.  Those are the only pair of shoes in the house that Matt doesn't question the price. :)

My MIL let me borrow a book from her titled "Women who do too much"  That title makes me LOL!  Don't we all do too much?  I wonder how I will find the time to read that? 

It couldn't have been a more perfect book placed by all of Carsen's belongings.

We are going the last step with Carsen's genetic testings.  (So we hope!)  The little white card is his insurance card with a sticky that reads -X-linked mental retardation panel-  I am needing Matt to call the insurance company hoping they will help pay for this EXTREMELY expensive test.  We are partial to this test.  This test is the last one that both geneticists at Children's and Mayo can come up with.  If this test shows positive, it would give a us a diagnosis we have been wanting for SO long.  But again, If this test shows positive, our life and dreams of having more of our own children have been shattered.  We have no idea what the next 8 weeks will bring us.  If any test would be positive, it would be this one.  I still believe Carsen's brain did not develop properly and there is a good chance we will never have an answer.

The last item you can barely see is Matt's wallet.  I believe money doesn't bring happiness, but those shoes that I ordered online today will be super handy with our MN snow storm!  Not to mention super cute! :)

What stash of important belongings lay in your kitchen?  What does your life consist of? 

I am curious as to what other families have piled in their kitchen (other than bills.)

You can clearly see what my life consists of.  That is the stash of important belongings for our family!


  1. Sometimes it's the simplest things in your kitchen that are the most meaningful and yet until you are asked, you don't give a second thought to. For me, my fridge is covered in pictures, postcards and drawings from kiddos, being thousands of miles away from home makes these mementos all the more precious.

    We have a massive supply of candles and lanterns all around (and a drawer of batteries in the fridge) because we live with daily power outages. We have a large water cooler with safe drinking water because our faucet water isn't safe to drink. We live under the threat of bombings and possible war, so we always keep at least three 5 gallon containers of extra water in our kitchen as well and I find myself in the habit of hiding cash everywhere, except I forget where I put it and I'll reach for something and find money instead :)

    Lastly, I now keep a huge bottle of vinegar on my counter because now that I'm pregnant and toxoplasmosis is something I now have to worry about, I have to be extra cautious so before I can eat any fruits, veggies, and fresh herbs, I have to soak them in the vinegar for 15 minutes after washing them.

    The simplest things in life, such as electricity and drinking water, I took for granted in America and unlike many people around the world, many of whom live in my city, I can actually afford to supply myself and my baby with safe drinking water, for that, I am incredibly thankful.

    PLEASE keep me (and the rest of your readers) posted on your tests! Also I did a lot of fundraising for all of Keith's medical treatments and bills, if you need any ideas, please don't hesitate to ask.

    Thank you to both you and Carsen for being my daily inspiration, you are incredibly lucky to have each other and the world is privileged to have you both, don't stop writing, xoxo!

  2. Love it!! Brings tears to my eyes, the simplest things that we treasure so dear, the hardship of your family yet the happiness that you have. Love it, embrace it. Can't wait to hear the testing brings. -- Kim Holland

  3. Love this blog! I am so happy that you have clutter too! Can't wait to see your new shoes. Why do we live in the arctic?

  4. Kelly-you are a genius! After reading this, I looked at my counter...
    There are: the gingerbread houses my boys, along with the Mogard kids made. They are on the list to throw out, but I smile when I look at them, so I am dragging my feet!
    -a box for Eric that is all ready to pop in the mail 1st thing Monday morning, hopefully this will be the last, and the Army doesn't drag their feet!-and lastly a snowflake plate that say Believe on it. That plate reminds me everyday that God has made no two of us alike and He wants me to believe I am beautiful in Him!

    I miss you, Matt and Carson. Please know you are held in prayer often!
    Happy New Year to you all!

  5. I also really love this post! It is so true, piles scattered around the house are usually full of the most important things. They never have a spot, because they are used so often. My counter is HUGE and consists of tons of stuff. I must say, our clutter has changed in the last 2 months. It went from bills and keys, to bottles and paci's. It will be fun to see in the next few years, even months what your stool will have on it! We always include Carsen in our prayers at night and LOVE that little turd to the moon and back! Give him wet, slimy kisses from Cohen!

  6. Kelly, I LOVE this post. It's making me look around my kitchen right now...but ugh....too much crap everywhere. Still recovering from the living room project! Living room looks great, but every thing else - not so much! two biggest things laying around right now - sheet rock dust and dora & diego birthday supplies!
    On a more serious note, I'm so proud of you and so inspired by your honesty regarding Carsen's upcoming genetic testing. I know this test has been on your guys' mind for awhile. It makes me feel a twinge of anxiousness for you guys!
    Lastly, that book!!!! HAHAHAHAHA! Maybe I need to read it when you're done!

  7. Beautiful post Kelly.

    My kitchen? You really do not want to know! :)
