Saturday, January 29, 2011

Small progressions

Carsen had a busy week!  We skipped a day from therapy in Alex.  I cannot express to you how much fun it was to take a day off therapy.  I didn't feel guilty AT ALL!  I felt like a rebel and kind of liked it!  I think it helped to get the encouragement from our lovely therapy staff to take a small break!  When I am motivated I feel good about myself and Carsen.  I have the desire to constantly push ourselves and find everything possible to help Carsen.  Do I like this about myself?  Ummm...not really.  I stress myself out.  I have a harder time taking "ME" breaks.  Then, I forget about "Carsen" breaks.  I guess that is why I am surrounded by such amazing people in my life to help me to see that!

Instead of focusing so much on the perfect timing of getting Carsen to eat, sleep and drive one hour to help Carsen perform his best, we did other things.  I went to visit my best friend, Genie, in Fergus.  It was so refreshing to drive North, instead of Northeast.  I absolutely adore Genie, her husband and his parents!  They competely LOVE Carsen and are so good at looking past his disabilities and seeing his "cute" side.  I lived in Fergus for 3 years and when I go back I have such a peace as soon as I lay eyes on that town.  It feels like home to me and I so thankful to have gone this week!  We also were able to take the time to visit our miracle friend.  The past 3 weeks have been complete HELL for my friend and their family.  They have shown us true strength and commitment!  My good friend Cassie, her twinny boppers, Carsen and I brought out lunch.  I felt pure Joy as I was able to catch up with my friends and watch my miracle friend Aaron walk and walk and walk!  Instead of focusing on Carsen, I was able to focus on good friends and relax some!

Our life includes teeny tiny progressions.  This week at daycare, Carsen scooted up to another kids tray and ate her food right off the tray.  Keep in mind, this kid doesn't like to feed himself ANYTHING!  It is one of our biggest challenges!  Our amazing day care provider Ruth, once again was so observant in this change of Carsen's and couldn't wait to tell me albout it!  Way to go Carsen, you proved you can recognize when you are hungry and have to ability to scrounge for left over food! :)

My adorable Mom stopped by after work the other day.  She was showing Carsen her gum and blowing bubbles.  Somehow, she lost her gum and was unable to find it.  After the both of us searching for the gum underneath her, under Carsen and around the couch, I noticed Carsen chewing on something.  " are chewing on grandma's gum...give it to me, spit it out, CARSEN...Carsen, Carsen, fine..."

So, I had to dig it out...

Somehow, I snapped a picture inbetween all this..that look on his face says, "Mom, chill out, I'm just chewing some gum!"

Our small progression this week includes Carsen learning how to find lost gum and put it in his mouth!  Way to go buddy!  Needless to say, we laughed pretty hard about it.

So, here is my question.  Would I have noticed the small things that Carsen did this week if I would have been so focused on going to Alex, getting there at the perfect time and doing well at therapy??  Maybe not.  I am so thankful for this slower paced therapy week so that I was able to enjoy the best things in life.  Friends, Family and low key days!  I am sure Carsen appreciated it more!


  1. I LOVE this post and the picture of Carsen! Good job with your camera! You will have to give me some pointers someday when i get time to work with it. I love hearing about Carsen. The gum story was HILARIOUS... Abram and my mom did the exact same thing! I laughed out loud. Thanks for sharing!

  2. You rebel you;).

    What a great week for you two, and I have looooooved all your pics! Hmmmm... maybe some other mother will need to invest in something similar on Black Friday this year?

  3. Great job Carsen :) Kelly as a mom you will notice all of Carsen's first regardless of taking a day away from therapy. You are Carsen's best therapist he will ever have and his greatest advocate! It is a really great feeling to break away from therapies, and it is a good thing to take a break as needed. We talk about this at work needing to find the right balance for our lives, as this helps us re-energize, refocus, and find the meaning in life. I'm so happy for your family!

    Question for you...Do you have a no gum policy in your house now?

  4. Kelly, Matt & Carsen,
    I am so glad for your blog!!!. Living out here in the woods is what we want; but sometimes we feel disconnected. And your blog connects you with family. I don't usually respond to post a comment, but always respond with a prayer which you don't know about. But which I hope that you will feel God our Father's comforting presence and guidance. I am so glad you took a week of
    "therapy" therapy off and yet you had a week to refresh which is the greatest gift to you & Carsen. You are a team!! We all need to recharge. I am so glad that you are surrounded by therapists that are so real.
    Much Love, Aunt Kathy

  5. I like what somebody above said: "You are Carsen's best therapist." Glad you were able to enjoy a slower week! And Carsen is a sneaky, hilarious little guy!

  6. That is the cutest story about Carsen! He is so precious. You're such a good mom Kelly!
